June 4, 2010


Having to remind myself lately of Gods faithfulness.
Sometimes faith doesn't just fall from the sky, though many times it does, at this moment I am choosing faith...setting my mind on Gods goodness.
Shane hasn't had a job in well...our whole marriage, but has been doing side job all this time. He has had work, most comes in while the last is ending. Are we ready for a job? BEYOND ready. But from this I can hold my head up high and say that God is faithful.

He says that not even a sparrow falls without him knowing, so how much more will he provide for His children.

Faithful, yes He IS faithful. So for today I choose faith, I Choose it...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blog land!! I am praying that you find peace in this unsettling season of life, and that God's provision will come in the form of a job for Shane very soon x
